MAGIC Magazine Cover
The photo of Marco the Magi in Mirror was used to paint this cover for MAGIC Magazine.
Magic Company Poster
This original painting is one of dozens created to publicize their performances.
Marco the Magi in Mirror
With the intention use of the plural form Magi, Cesareo leaned on the notion of many selves.
Linking Rings (1)
As Marco the Magi, Cesareo’s performance of the Linking Rings was the perfect metaphor for group work.
Metamorphosis Escape
Sets, costumes and props were all products of group work.
Three Generations of Magic
David, Cesareo and Seth during the finale of their magic show in Beverly, Massachusetts.
Cesareo Directs Set Construction
Group leader Cesareo (in Rockport t-shirt, second from right) oversees curtain construction on the stage of the Cabot St. Theatre in the late 1970s.
Backstage group work
Magic company members work together sewing, painting and building sets for the show.
Rick Paints Elephant
Magic company artist Rick Heath paints the head of a paper maché elephant that would appear in the show at the Cabot St. Theatre.
The Magic Show c 1979
The Full company of the Magic Show